Worldwide Security Transports
Around the Clock Service with National and International Security Transports
International Security Transports by Land and by Air
Sicherheit steht auch für Ihre Güter im Vordergrund. The safety of your goods has priority too! With S.A.T. Security you can transport goods, documents, data carriers, money, precious stones, jewellery and other objects of value worldwide, by land and by air, with absolute surety. S.A.T. Security offers worldwide security transports and transport solutions.
We transport documents, data carriers and other particularly valuable goods on-board. Our S.A.T. Security Safety Couriers and Flight Couriers accompany the transports worldwide. A plane or a private jet is the ideal medium for quick and secure transportation of your goods and valuables.
We employ our own helicopters for security transports and forwarding within Europe.
For international security transports (up to 113 Tons), we work in close collaboration with our contractual partners. The same company, certified in accordance with ISO, which conducts US Military transports, is contracted by us to convey your goods to their destination with Lear Jets and Boing 747s.
Our partner is just as much concerned for the safety of your goods as we are. If you wish, your transport can be additionally insured by us.
Security Transports by Land
Kurierdienste und Werttransporte erfolgen in unseren gesicherten Fahrzeugen auf dem Landweg, natürlich begleitet von unserem ausgebildetem Sicherheitspersonal. Unsere gepanzerte Limousinen mit Vollpanzerung bieten darüber hinaus einen besonderen Schutz für VIPs, Botschaften und Privatpersonen.
Alle Transporte werden mit einem Sicherheitsoffizier unserer Firma begleitet. Dadurch kann bei unerwarteten Komplikationen eine sofortige Lösung mit unserem Kunden gefunden werden.