Worldwide Transport of Valuables

Transport of Cash and Valuable Goods

International Security Transports by Land and by Air

We transport goods, documents, data carriers, money, precious stones, jewellery and other items of value

Transport of Valuables with GPS Surveillance and Escorts

Our spectrum of services in this field encompasses not only the handling of night safes and storage of valuables and data, we also provide escorts for our customers. Our vehicles are GPS – monitored and are restricted to specially pre-defined corridors of movement.

INFO: On the 31st. of July, the classic transport of valuables for banks and trade within Germany was dissolved and sold to the market leader. The international transport of valuables has been in the process of expansion since the 1st. of August 2019.

Vehicle Crew Supervision during the Transport of Valuables

Each vehicle is VDM – protected. A computer in our operations centre monitors the vehicle crew and their work modus. All value transporters are equipped with the most up to date technology. New systems (the vehicle is replaced every 3 years) enable us to carry out the loading of our armoured vehicles more quickly and more safely.

Protection / loading

Armoured protection against military weapons

Protection / errands

Protection / loading

Armoured protection against military weapons

International security transports by land and by air

Military weapon-proof armoured protection in 26-tonner value transporters

We also transport your money and objects of value abroad with military weapon-proof 26-tonners.

„Lighter“ valuables are flown by us worldwide, making use of the appropriate planes and helicopters.

Transportation of objects of art

Military weapon-proof armoured protection in 26-tonner value transporters

International transport of valuables by air

For safety reasons, jewellery and precious stones are transported by air or in armoured limousines – worldwide.